Cornerstone is a 335,000 square foot shopping center located on the corner of Central Avenue (Hwy 7 S) and the Martin Luther King Jr. Expressway.   Anchor tenants in the center include Lowe's, Office Depot, Pier 1 imports, Books-A-Million, Goody’s, Shoe Carnival, TJ Maxx, Mattress Firm, Factory 2 U, and other smaller tenants. Recent reports from the tenants are that business is booming.

Executive Summary

Cornerstone Market Place is the largest and most perfectly located commercial site within a five county area.

The Hot Springs economy ranks as the fifth strongest among 53 commuting zones in the mid-South and the second strongest in the state of Arkansas.

The Hot Springs, Arkansas trade area includes five counties with a current trade area population of 243,800.

Cornerstone has become the retail center of Hot Springs and its precise location with relation to the arterials, lakes, and mountains dictates that the site will dominate the marketplace for many years to come.

The prime location at the intersection on Central Avenue (US Hwy 7) and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Expressway,  provides traffic counts of 30,000 cars a day on both routes and Cornerstone has over 1,700 feet of frontage on the Expressway with the main entry off Central Avenue.

Cornerstone is 50 miles from Little Rock and is located on the major distribution routes and insures easy and direct access from all directions.  The entire Cornerstone trade area is also covered by the Little Rock area media.  This insures media coverage that extends far beyond the immediate area for the same advertising dollar.

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This page was last updated on 08/16/04.



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